
On May 31, on the Sunday of Pentecost and feast of the Most Holy Trinity, we had a beautiful and solemn celebration at St. George Church. Our parish Rector, Archpriest Igor Tarasov served the Divine Liturgy.

Following the Gospel lesson he preached a homily in Russian. In that sermon the Rector pointed out that we, as a Church community, as well as each individual Christian, have to strive to imitate Holy Apostles in receiving the Holy Spirit. The ways of acquiring the Holy Spirit are different from our earthly usual ways of reaching something. We do not need intellect and knowledge to be partakers of the Spirit of God. Today’s Gospel reading showed that the most knowledgeable and educated people among the Jews, the high priests and Pharisees, could not recognize the Messiah in Jesus. On the other hand,  Holy Apostles were not educated, some of them were simple fishermen. Yet they did receive the Holy Spirit. And, as we sing in today’s festal troparion, God made those fishermen wise. The skills may not also be helpful. The only skills that could be needed are the skills to live a spiritual life. We need faith, trust to the Lord, and prayer to be the receivers of the Holy Spirit.
Right after the Divine Liturgy the Rector served Pentecostal Vespers with kneeling prayers.

Following the beautiful and prayerful services the Rector and parishioners continued their celebration of the Trinity Day at the trapeza table enjoying delicious meals and a nice company.