Annual Parish Meeting


Annual Parish Meeting of St. George’s Church was held on Sunday, February 9, following the Divine Liturgy and coffee hour.
Many of the parish members were present at the meeting and the Rector, Archpriest Igor Tarasov presided. Church Warden, Olga Roussanow read the minutes of the last Annual Meeting held in 2013. The Rector reported on financial situation. He informed that although church attendance became higher, parish income in the year 2013 was a little lower than in the previous year. We could not cover some of our expenses. Although our expenses were reduced, we had a deficit. Our high expenses were connected with repairs done on the church property. Parishioners and sponsors could not cover those expenses with their contributions. Fr. Igor recommended again that Parish should introduce some principles of stewardship and that parishioners should plan their contributions for the church needs. However, this could be difficult to some parish members due to financial hardships in today’s times of economic crisis.

Following the discussion of financial situation we had an election of the officers. Our long-time Treasurer, Vera Koretz expressed a desire to retire from her position due to the ill health and advanced age. After a short discussion of the possible candidates Valentina Dron was elected the new Parish Treasurer.  Olga Roussanow was re-elected as the Church Warden.

Another issue discussed at the Meeting was cleaning and upkeeping of the church building. Our long-time parishioner Natalia (Dolores) Soho is not able to continue her dedicated work to keep the church neat and clean with the same energy. The parishioners decided to clean the church taking turns or when they would be available for that.